Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. He is fully God and became a complete human being. Born of a virgin, Jesus lived a sinless life, was crucified for the sins of men, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven. He overcame the power of death and thereby provided a path to salvation for all who believe in Him. Jesus is now with the father and intercedes on our behalf.
Unity in baptism is part of God’s plan for spiritual development and eternal salvation. Through baptism we join with Jesus through our own symbolic death, burial and resurrection by his power. We leave our old lives of sin to rise and live a new life as part of God’s family empowered by a special gift, the Holy Spirit. God continues to forgive all sins, as we forgive others.
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is entirely God. He comforts, teaches, gifts, and transforms us back into the image of God. God has ordained earthly families with specific roles for each member. Similarly, our Christian family has been gifted, through the Spirit, with special talents to use in the body of Christ. The presence of the Spirit should be evident as we glorify God in our worship, share in one another’s lives, and engage in the work God has prepared for us. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we direct adoration upward to God and encouragement outward to one another.
Relationship with God
We know that as we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. All who wish to participate in communion are welcome to join us each Sunday. We are fortunate that the Father can be approached at any time. We affirm the power of prayer both in our worship services and in our personal lives.
We believe that God rules in the affairs of men and desires to come into fellowship with every soul. We offer friendship and assistance to all who seek God. It is our responsibility to call all people to repentance and confession of Jesus Christ as Lord. We eagerly await the day of Christ’s return and the time when our salvation will be made complete. Then, we will be with the Lord forever.