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Loving God...Loving Each Other - Wait for the Lord

Beau Benfield

Loving God… Loving Each Other

Good Morning!

Refreshing cool weather has descended on Washington County! I especially love this time of the year because it means that Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas too!

I hope that you are already preparing for your Impact Offering during our Day of Thanksgiving which will be celebrated on November 11, this year. It is always a thrill to see so much spam and Ramen Noodles in one place! Last year we had one of our largest food offerings and I hope we exceed it this year. Start buying your cases of spam before the stores run out!

It has been exciting witnessing the new ministries that have developed among the women of Brenham Church of Christ (BCC)! We now have a brand-new freezer full of already prepared food ready to be given to those who are going through difficult situations. If you have a neighbor, or co-worker, or friend you think could use a meal for their family while they are going through a crisis, please come on up to the building and pick up all you need to bless that family. If you don’t have a key to the building, please call the church office, or Denese Barber or me and we will help you get what you need. Don’t worry! Whatever you take will be replenished quickly so that we can help others. What a great way to shine your light for Jesus.

Can you believe how well our children are doing as they prepare for Bible Bowl in less than a month! We are going to have a great group travel to Corpus Christi, November 3. God go with you Brenham kids! We are already proud of you!

I hope you will be here Sunday morning as we celebrate our teachers. We are so proud of the commitment and dedication of all our teachers! Preston will be preaching Sunday morning as we honor each teacher. There will be a fellowship meal afterward so please plan to be here.

“Wait for the Lord. Be Strong and let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord!

  • Psalm 27:14

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